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The Role of Placemaking in Economic Recovery

设计中的场所创造是一种实践,旨在最大化每个项目对其周围房地产价值的价值. 现在比以往任何时候都重要, it needs to be involved in the front-end strategic planning of projects, and to address the question – how will our experiences, including living through a global pandemic, help define the cities of tomorrow?




The year 2020 will be a memorable year for all of us. 在我们的一生中,我们从未经历过一场影响到每个国家的全球危机, 每个社区和每个公民. 我们的供应链, our governance and our values have all been challenged, and our global economy has been hit very hard. As a leading technology-driven design firm, we have been challenged to work differently, 更多地合作, and to become responsive to this changing world. We continue to ask ourselves how we can learn from this “social experiment”. It is necessary to help our clients not only survive, but to come back even stronger as part of the economic recovery. 设计中的场所创造是一种实践,旨在最大化每个项目对其周围房地产价值的价值. 现在比以往任何时候都重要, it needs to be involved in the front-end strategic planning of projects, 为了回答这个问题——这种经历将如何帮助定义未来的城市?

Many of the trends associated with the pandemic have occurred globally, and affect the way every individual project is being delivered. 通过我们的活动过程和下面的文章和思想领导, we share lessons learned in areas where IBI’s Placemaking 实践取得了成功, 并就如何将这些经验应用于规划和设计领域,为经济复苏增加价值提出了建议.

IBI Group设计了M3公寓, 这是一座81层的塔楼,将成为罗杰斯房地产开发公司(Rogers Real Estate Development) 4号项目的核心.300万平方公里. ft. master planned community in downtown Mississauga.


We have all been instructed to “stay home”. 通过这种重置,我们以不同的方式看待我们的家园、我们的社区和我们的城市. Our daily patterns and influences have gotten much smaller, 更加专注,我们会欣赏我们所生活的社区的优点和缺点. They are made up of buildings, streets, parks and the spaces in between. These are the spaces, which we share, that contribute to our lives. 在距离我们生活和工作地点5到10分钟的范围内,影响最大. 当我们恢复的时候, and plan and design new communities, we will be asked to challenge density, 建立形式, land use and policies about living and working. Retail may shift towards an appreciation of small mom and pop stores. Mixed-use projects may be more habitable, comfortable and resilient to flexibility in work/life balance. 在一个要求苛刻的房地产市场中,这些社区的设计质量和创意将变得越来越重要.

Creating places around transit infrastructure.

We recognize that despite the need for social distancing, this should not be a rationale for urban sprawl, and transit will still provide access throughout the city. 可重新检查密度, as will the amount and configuration of open space, 对共享道路和公共空间的需求都达到了峰值. 如果设计不同,这些空间可以组合起来增加房地产价值. 想想世界上一些最好的城市,以及我们喜欢它们的地方. 想想为什么会这样, 我们必须做出怎样的选择啊, and what goods and services are at our fingertips. 当参观一个最喜欢的城市, 好客的度假胜地, 甚至是一个小镇或村庄, 我们都认识到它的吸引力——我们出行的选择和社区的可步行性. 当我们穿过广场或走在一条狭窄但阳光明媚的街道上时,我们会感到安全.

vivaNext York Region Rapid Transit
IBI Group is part of a design consortium working on vivaNext, 快速公交系统(BRT)服务于约克地区的未来,缓解大多伦多地区的拥堵.
AG平台的设计团队正在致力于一个雄心勃勃的项目,以改造和再生巴恩斯利, 英国的城镇中心.


随着交通系统的升级, underutilized land uses are being rethought, and parts of the city will also need to be rethought. 主要停车场周围的工业用地和购物中心正在重新审查,以包括住宅, opportunities for mixed-use environments and places for people. 经济发展和设计的结合使这些填充社区能够以丰富多样的社区填补城市中的空置区域,提供新形式的住房机会. 与这些, 灵活的社区中心, 图书馆和市场广场正在被重新设计,以振兴新的社区,使其具有多样性和丰富性,这是城市整体特征所急需的.

Strategic planning through IBI Quantum.

在这些困难时期,科技在保持人们联系方面发挥了重要作用, 但它不能解决所有问题. 它能做什么, through a deeper understanding of metrics, 人类行为, 运动模式, 以及人工智能, is allow us as designers to test options, 选项的量子数, 并利用我们作为设计师的技能,根据我们选择分析的参数来决定哪些选项可以向前推进. This is a differentiator for IBI Group, with some 20 per cent of our business being created through intelligence, 应用于设计和规划. Not only can we acknowledge human behaviour and predict human preferences, 我们可以建立模型, 使用“我们所知道的”组合来测试和创建设计中的灵活性, and model how these environments will look and feel.


Through the pandemic, our workplace has changed, and we have adapted. 但是有了这个, 我们的旅行模式, 我们需要明确的办公空间, and for meeting rooms and board rooms has also shifted; not just for us, but for all of our corporate clients, 银行, 承建商及项目办公室. Drawings can be submitted differently, construction and contract administration has become more remote, 效率也得到了提高. 我们看到的纸张越来越少, 更多网上意见书, 以及建筑业长期以来所需要的行为改变. 公众参与对社区的设计方式至关重要, 通过技术, we are able to reach out to more people, 在更短的时间内, 以有效的方式增加与观众的接触,并允许更有意义和更充实的评论. These comments are caught early enough to change the design visions, and to allow us to show the change prior to construction, 用虚拟现实渲染, 动画, 然后走一遍.

特雷弗·麦金太尔 is Global Director, Placemaking. 他负责领导整个公司的景观建筑和城市设计实践. 特雷弗是一名景观设计师,也是加拿大景观建筑学会和美国景观建筑学会的成员.

特雷弗一直是主要的策划者, 景观设计师, and urban designer for more than 20 years, 在加拿大有项目, 美国, 欧洲, 中东, 南美, 和亚洲. He leads the Toronto design practice in community planning and design, 总体规划, 还有景观建筑. 他拥有圭尔夫大学景观建筑学硕士学位.


写的 特雷弗·麦金太尔

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